TOP 15 Telegram Lifehacks in 2020

5 years ago
Lifehacks Telegram

We always care about our readers, and we want your use of Telegram to be convenient and of high quality. That is why today we will talk about life hacks in Telegram. 

How to read messages hidden, make a personal music player out of a messenger, create your own cool gif - all this and we'll talk even more further.

What are Telegram Lifehacks 

Lifehacks Telegram are hidden or ambiguous features of the messenger that can be used to expand its functions.

Message Notifications Without Previewing It

If you do not want someone to see what you are discussing in the messenger or what messages you receive, disable message preview in notifications. 

It's easy to do. Go to "Settings", then "Notifications and sounds", find the item "Message notification" and turn off "Message preview".

Setting up message notification

Now the notification will come without the text itself, but simply with the mark “New message”. 

Reading Messages

Sometimes you need to be a spy and read the message unnoticed by the interlocutor. This option is available only in the mobile version of Telegram, and it is very easy to do. 

Turn on airplane mode -> Open the message, and then after reading it, MUST close (!) Applications -> Turn off airplane mode. Thus, you will read the message from the interlocutor, but he will not see that you have done it. 

There is another way. 

Open chats. With a long press, make it so that only the preview of the dialogue opens (in iOS, you can click on any area of the desired chat, but on Android you need to hold your finger near the userpic).

An example of a chat while holding your finger on the screen

Thus, you can see the last messages sent to you in Telegram. The disadvantage of this method is that if you have written a whole poem, or a large number of separate messages, all of them won't be able to get into the pre-opening of the chat.

We recommend that you first practice on some random chat, press correctly so that messages open in the above way. 

Creating a Channel for One Purpose

In our blog, we've already talked about the fact that the "Saved" tab is one of the best tricks in Telegram that exist in the messenger. Here's how you can complement it more - create separate channels with specific directions that you need.

Create your channels

Family documents, audio books, information on the project, a photo stock with your beloved dog - any purpose for which a separate “folder” is needed.

Just create a separate private channel for this purpose.

Clearing Storage

Clearing storage

We personally have repeatedly encountered a problem when the phone screamed that it had little storage. And we never understood why this was so, because it would seem that we do not have so many photos, videos or programs that could take up space. 

By default, all sent files: photo, video and audio messages, Telegram loads automatically. It's convenient and fast, but it takes up a lot of phone memory. One fine day, we found that the messenger's cache took up 2 gigabytes of space! 

Therefore, if you have been using Telegram for a long time, check: Settings -> Data and memory -> Storage usage (here the messenger will “read the size of the cache” for a few moments, be patient) -> And then, Clear the cache. 

If you don't want to delete everything, you can delete the cache of each chat separately. Check how much is occupied, you will be very surprised. This life hack will help you get rid of your constantly clogged storage.

Clear Storage

Important clarification! By clearing the cache, you do not delete photos or audio recordings.They remain in the cloud and you can still access them. All you need to do is download the files from the Internet.

Special Sounds for Users and Chats

If you have a desire to install a separate, special sound for a specific user or chat, Telegram also provides this opportunity!

In the settings for notifications and sounds, select, for example, “Exceptions in Message Notifications”. Then we add a specific person and we can choose a specific, different sound for him.

Special sounds for every chat and user

The same can be done for both channels and chats.

Editing Sent Photos

When sending a picture, the user within 48 hours has the opportunity to change the photo that has already been sent. 

How to do it. Long tap on the message with the photo that was sent. Then we choose to change. On the left you can see a paperclip with an arrow. Just it will mean that the user has the opportunity to edit the picture sent earlier. 

How to edit a photo

At the same time, note that the photo will be marked “Edited”, so if you suddenly send something important and then change the photo, the recipient will see that you edited the message.

Status "edited" near the date of sending the picture

On Android, this procedure is slightly different. Send the desired photo, pinch it, and then select a pencil at the top, which will lead you to replace the media file. We tap on “Change media” and choose another photo.

Editing the picture on Android

Canceling Autoloading Files

Continuing the topic of the sore and sometimes heavy Telegram cache. 

By default, the messenger downloads all media files automatically. So, so that the stream of photos, audio files, videos and gifs does not clog up your phone's memory and does not pull Internet traffic, set up file autoloading. 

You can choose which types of content are not automatically downloaded. For example, photos when you turn off autoload are shown with blurry previews. To download, you have to tap on the picture. 

Blurry picture

How to do it: Go to Settings -> Data and memory -> Auto-load media. Here separately edit autoload via Wi-Fi and mobile network. You can configure the settings for each type of files and chats in Telegram (for personal chats, contacts, groups and channels), and select low, medium or high traffic consumption for the mobile network. 

Setting startup

Telegram is a Personal Player! 

Messenger is a great place to listen to music! Easy and simple, but here you can go a little further, Telegram can be turned into a personal player.

Create a private channel such as Chill's Playlist. From the music channels, which are more than enough in Telegram, send the necessary tracks to your channel, and thus create a playlist to your taste. 

Music forwarding

There is another option - in the desktop version, you can directly upload the desired track to this group from your computer. It is sudden if the required song is not available on the network or in the Telegram channel.

The player for music in Telegram looks like a usual player on the phone.

Player in Telegram

Especially convenient: once you download a song, you can continue listening to it without the Internet. And you don't need to buy a music subscription for that. 

Search For Pictures and GIFs Without Leaving Telegram 

Want to reply to a message with a meme or a gif that you saw somewhere? Just want to diversify your chat? Of course, you can open a browser and type the desired image into the image search. Then save, open a dialogue and send ... what a long way, then still delete pictures from the gallery. But it can be easier ...! 

One of the “hidden” Telegram life hacks is to search for pictures and gifs right in the messenger interface.

Open the dialog -> Attach a file (paperclip in the lower left corner) -> Photo or Video -> Search (magnifying glass in the upper right corner), look for the desired gif or picture and send the appropriate file. 

Embedded Links in Text

The following Telegram lifehack can be useful for channel owners or simply for those who want to uniqueize their communication on Telegram. 

In a certain word, when writing a message in the messenger, you can embedded a link. 

Embedded link in dialogue

This is how it works on the iPhone. We write a word, do two tapas on it and get a submenu. Find the text editing icon, tap and find the word “Link” there. By tapping on it, Telegram will offer you to add a link for the word that you have chosen. 

On Android, you need to do almost the same. We write the word, select it, tap on three dots in the menu that appears, and select the "Link" item. Then the messenger will also offer to insert the required link. 

Useful Telegram Lifehacks 

This, by the way, brought us to the next lifehack.

Modification Of The Text

Font in Telegram

You may have noticed, on both Android and iOS, the user has the ability to add boldness to the text, make it italic, or strikethrough. All steps must be done in the same way as we wrote above, only choose not the "Link" item, but another, the desired option.

Back to Basics

Telegram has hundreds of cool channels where authors share useful information. Some people use Telegram channels as a platform for learning. 

Therefore, here is a short life hack if you need to read all messages without scrolling up the whole story. You can jump to the first record by simply creating a link pointing to it. The link format looks like this:

An important clarification. This life hack only works for open channels. The situation with private channels is a little more complicated. First of all, you need to be a member of such a channel. Then, select any post from this channel and tap on it, then copy the link. 

Insert yourself into your Saved, and this is what we see.

An example of such a link

The last two digits indicate the post number. Change it to one and also return to the beginning of the channel.

Telegram Masks

Everyone knows that Telegram has a built-in photo editor. In addition to standard functions, such as changing brightness, auto-enhancement and other features, the messenger offers its own life hack - an analogue of Snapchat. 

Masks that can be applied to photos. Wig or beard, animal ears, airplane symbol and more.

How to use. Open dialog -> Take a selfie or photo -> Click on the brush in the edit menu -> Select the mask icon.

Example of mask in Telegram

Own Gif

In the summer of 2019, during the Telegram update, we received the long-awaited animated stickers. While their choice is not as large and interesting as it can be, and the instructions for creating your own animated sticker are not as simple as it might seem, but we suggest you create your own gifs, which is much easier and faster.

Take any video from which you want to cut GIF animation. Cut off the desired part, tap on the mute button, and then Telegram will notify you that the video will play automatically and in a circle like a Gif-animation! As easy as pie. Now you have the ability to create your own personal GIF animations in a couple of seconds from any video.

TOP 9 Telegram Features: Disappearing Pics, Stickers, x2 Voice Message Playback

These are the TOP-9 interesting life hacks we have selected for you today. That's all for today. The t9Gram project is all about Telegram.

Be sure to subscribe to us in Telegram.

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