While the social networks introduces restrictions on free listening to music from mobile devices, you can catch a virus on sites for free downloading tracks. and subscriptions to Apple Music are Google Musik basically paid, Telegram does not hesitate to give its users the opportunity to listen to music in Telegram without any restrictions.
How to do this best, where it is better to search for songs and create your own playlists, in general everything about music in the Telegram, we will tell in this article.
Telegram Music: Key Features and Functions
To begin, consider the Telegram player for listening to music and what possibilities it basically has. To do this, go to the channel @cctracks, which was created specifically to demonstrate all the delights of listening to music on Telegram.

We turn on the song and on top we see the name of the track and artist who is playing right now. At the time of song playback, the track is automatically loaded into the cache, that is, the next time you play it, you do not need the Internet.
The song will already be on your phone. In this, a huge plus messenger.

Tap on the top line and open a full-fledged music player in Telegram. Here you can change the location of the playback tracks. Button to repeat the entire playlist or one track. Switch back and forth, and of course, pause and play the song.
And also, bonded covers are a pleasant bonus, which cannot but please the eye of a picky user.

We’ll talk separately about song caching. As we said earlier, the track you want to play is immediately loaded into memory.
We recall that in the "Memory Usage" tab in the Telegram, you can configure how many files will be stored in the messenger, and there is also the ability to clear the cache.

If from time to time you yourself clear the Telegram cache, if you don’t want to re-download music on a new one, then when you click the "Clear Telegram Cache" button, there is an opportunity to REMOVE the checkmark for clearing Music.

A nice bonus for Android owners is that you can add the downloaded track to the standard “Music” application, which, alas, cannot be done in iOS. Actually, these are all the main features of the built-in Telegram player.
The most interesting further! We will tell you where to look for music in Telegram and how it can be conveniently structured so that listening to tracks reaches a new level.
How To Find Music in Telegram

Finding a channel or bot in Telegram to listen to music is very easy. We go to the site "telemetr.io" in the music section and select the channels that you like for example by the number of subscribers.

In order not to search for a long time, we suggest choosing Music Region | Spotify Songs MP3.
ATTENTION. Access to the channel on iOS and macOS platforms is limited. Therefore, if you use an iphone or an iPad, do not even try to open a channel with such a label. Try another one.

Several times a day, the administrators of such channels upload new tracks and music to Telegram, so you will never miss music news.
And if you need to find a specific artist or song, tap on the name of the channel and select “Search”. We tried to find popular tracks, and we managed to do it.

In addition to music channels, there are also bots for finding music. I immediately draw your attention to the fact that most of them do not work for iOS and MacOS devices. But Android and the desktop version are easily supported.
Enter the desired track or artist in the search, and get the desired results. Everything is as simple as possible. Links to working bots with Telegram music will be below.
- https://telegram.im/@muzzzbot
- https://telegram.me/vkm_bot - working on iOS

Below we will talk about how to make a playlist, not to lose your music in Telegram and turn the messenger into a full-fledged music player.
Your Playlist For Music
In a large number of channels and bots with music, you can easily get confused, and this is not surprising, because if you start a track from a channel with music, the playlist will consist of all the songs that are presented on the channel. But you can make your own playlists. I think you have already guessed how to organize all this.
We’re creating a separate-private channel for our future playlist. For example, we call it “new music”, and then, just do not forget to send new tracks there.

Thus, in this channel your playlist will be formed, and you will not get lost in where you listened to this or that song. And since there are hundreds of private channels that a user can create in Telegram, you can have enough of these playlists. By genre, mood and so on.

Do not be too lazy to do this, and then Telegram will be an excellent platform for you to listen to music!
By the way, do not forget that music can also be loaded from the desktop version itself. For example, if you have some kind of rarity or exclusive on the computer, and it is nowhere to be found on channels and on the Internet.
We also recommend watching a video that clearly shows how to use the player:
That's all for today. The t9Gram project is all about Telegram.
Search Telegram Channels. How to Find a Channel