Since January 2018, a new client has appeared called Telegram X, which is the official alternative version of the Telegram messenger.
In this article, we will explain why it is needed, what are the unusual features in Telegram X, and whether it is worth installing it.
What is Telegram X

Telegram X — is the official alternative Telegram client that was developed directly under the leadership of the messenger team.
Pavel Durov held a contest among third-party developers for the best alternative client, created on the basis of the TDLib Telegram library.
Clients were developed for the Android and iOS operating systems, one winner was chosen for each platform. Two of the most advanced applications (one for Android and one for iPhone) received the status of the official analogue of the main client.
As we already said, Teelgram X was created for both Android and iOS, but since May 2019, Telegram X for iOS has completely disappeared from the App Store. Since the official iOS client switched to Swift, the programming language in which only Telegram X was originally written. Applications began to duplicate each other and there was no longer any need for an alternative version.
For Android, Telegram X continues to exist and right now we will take a closer look at the application and see why it is better and more interesting than the standard one.
Telegram X Menu
Calls tab
To begin with, pay attention to the fact that the “calls” tab is at the top of the application by default. We tried to find in the settings menu how to remove it, but did not find it.
In the normal version, calls to Telegram are in the menu on the left.

Compared to the standard version, in the Telegram X menu your avatar will be displayed in a larger size, which looks more interesting.

Night Theme
In Telegram X, it’s very easy to switch to night mode. In just two tapas you can install this dark theme. Previously, in a regular client, it was necessary to make a large number of moves, climb into the settings, then "chat settings" and only then select the desired topic. Now in both versions all this does very quickly, therefore for Telegram X this is not an advantage.
But the Telegram X version is also distinguished by its menu, it is much simpler than in the standard application.
Stickers in Telegram X
The stickers tab in Telegram X in the settings is placed separately. Here you can look at popular stickers, look at what your own ones are installed, and also there is an archive and even masks in Telegram.
There is a sticker tab in the "Settings" section.

In a regular application, such information can only be found when you open the stickers tab at the bottom of the screen.

Creation of Dialogs
In order to write a message, create a group, channel or secret chat in Telegram X, you need to click on the pencil to the right in the corner of the screen, while the standard version offers the user to click on three sticks from the top in the corner and only then create the necessary.

Next, we move on to interesting Telegram X chips and unusual features.
Unusual Features

According to some developers, Telegram X can be added to use different 100 accounts. The exact figure is unknown, but the fact that it is more than 3 accounts, as in the standard application, is for sure.
The favorites tab in Telegram X is also done differently. Right at the top is what you can find in it:
- Messages
- Media
- Files
- Link;
- Audio;
- Misc.

Next, we move on to what the official Telegram client really lacks, both on Android and iOS, this is a hidden reading of received messages.
In Telegram X, if you click on the chat to open a preview message, you can not only see the last part of the received message, but also scroll further.
That is, your interlocutor will not know that you have read the message, and you can read the entire message from him, even if there are a lot of them, and the interlocutor will not know that you did it.
You need to flip with the other finger. That is, with one you press and hold on the screen, right on the chat you need, and with the other we leaf through the preview menu that appears.
Where Can You Download

You can download Telegram X from the official Google Play store.
Be careful not to download the application from unofficial sites. We recommend downloading only the link above, directly from the Google Play store.
Who Needs Telegram X

Here it is — Telegram X, the official alternative version of our favorite messenger.
In conclusion, we can add that some functions are really organized much more convenient, therefore, it is not for nothing that some users use Telegram X quite actively.
It is also worth noting that most of the functions subsequently appear in the regular version of Telegram, for example, this was the case with switching to night mode.
In fact, the Telegram X client is an arena for testing new features. But at the same time, this is not beta testing, that is, all functions work as they should.
Therefore, if you want to be one of the first to receive new Telegram chips, or you need a lot of accounts at the same time, Telegram X will definitely suit you.
That's all for today. The t9Gram project is all about Telegram.
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