Since its inception as a popular Internet application, Telegram messenger has always been able to boast of its thorough attitude to the security of communication and concern for the protection of users' personal data.
That is why Telegram provides a wide range of tools and settings that will allow you to hide access to your personal information, if you so wish. One of these tools is the option that allows you to hide your Telegram number from strangers, thereby granting you the privilege of anonymity on the network.
- How to Hide a Number in Telegram
- Who Sees My Number in Telegram
- How to Correspond Without Revealing Your Number
How to Hide a Number in Telegram
Telegram provides the simplest and most convenient settings that allow you to hide your number, in order to do this you need to:
- Open the "Settings" menu in Telegram;
- Select "Privacy";
- Find the item “Phone number”;
- Make the necessary settings in this section.
Next, we will tell you in more detail how this function works and how to hide a number in Telegram on Android and iOS operating systems, we will now tell you further.
It should be noted that the setting of number anonymity on the desktop version of Telegram is completely identical to that on the Android version.
In order to hide your number in Telegram on Android, first click on the three strips in the upper left corner, after which your Telegram menu will appear on the screen.

Click on "Settings" and select the "Privacy" section.

In the "Privacy" section you need to select the "Phone number" button.

After which you find yourself in a very important and interesting menu. In it, you can configure the level of access to your personal information, and first of all, determine who will see your phone number: everyone, the list of your telegram contacts, or no one.
However, the latter function has limitations (more on them later).
Also in this section you can decide who can find you in Telegram by phone number - all users or only your contacts. As a final chord - you have the opportunity to select and add people to the list of exceptions from the rules you created earlier.
That is, you can define people who can always see your phone number, and those who can never see it, despite the previously established rules.


In a similar way, setting up a hidden number is carried out on iOS. Launch the Telegram messenger and go to the “Settings” tab.
In “Settings” click on “Privacy”, then select “Phone number”. When the next window opens, select and set the category of users who can see your number. Everything here works the same as described in the previous section. In the same tab, you can set exceptions, which we also wrote about in the section about Android.

Who Sees My Number in Telegram

Depending on your privacy settings, your number to which your Telegram account is linked will be seen either by all users of the messenger, or by those who have been added to your list of contacts, or no one will see the number at all if you decide to hide everything.
Another thing is that if you do not want anyone to be able to find you by a Telegram number, adding your phone number to their address book on their smartphone. Then you can specifically prohibit the search for you by phone number in the settings, as described earlier.

In addition, you can, if you wish, independently share your phone number with a user who does not see your number. To do this, go to the chat / correspondence with a person and click on the three dots in the upper right corner, and then select the "Send your phone" function.
How to Correspond Without Revealing Your Number

In order not to disclose your Telegram number to the person with whom you communicate, set the maximum privacy settings of the number in the way we described above, or set up a special exception for this person, and then simply correspond without adding the interlocutor to your Telegram contacts.
If you do not add a person to your contacts, then with the appropriate privacy settings (“my contacts” or “no one”, or an exception), the person will not see your phone number.

In this case, be careful and do not accidentally click on the "Add to contacts" button during correspondence.
How to Delete a Contact From the Telegram
How to Add a Contact to Telegram by Phone Number or Nickname
How to Write to Yourself in Telegram: iOS, Android and Computer