Telegram is a convenient and popular messenger that combines ease of use, loyalty to the rules and a variety of approaches. Unlike other instant messengers of the same class, Telegram very successfully adapted many of the functions of a social network, and has turned not only into a platform for communicating with relatives or colleagues, but also became an important news platform and a source of knowledge on a wide range of subjects.
However, sometimes a person may have both a simple desire and an urgent need to delete an account in Telegram. The reasons for this step can be very diverse, including personal circumstances. Is it possible to delete an account in Telegram? Of course! Read on this material and you will not only learn how to simply and quickly delete your Telegram account, but also about the technical consequences of this step. You will also learn how to remove the Telegram program from all your devices with a wide variety of operating systems.
Let's start with the fact that you can delete a telegram account either manually, at any time, when you want it, or configure the removal of the account in Telegram automatically, using the settings section for this. Let's dwell on these two methods.
- How to Delete a Telegram Account
- How to Remove the Telegram Application From Your Device
- What Happens When I Delete my Telegram Account
- Conclusions and Afterword
How to Delete a Telegram Account

To manually and as soon as possible delete an account in Telegram you need:
- Go to the Telegram website to delete the account on the server.
- Confirm removal via phone.
- Uninstall the application itself on the device.
Below we have prepared for you detailed instructions on all possible methods and for all devices.
Manual Telegram Account Deletion
So, if you suddenly needed to delete your Telegram account, then at any time you can do it manually, following a very simple algorithm of actions. To get started, click on the special link that is designed to delete your account.
There is an important point here: to remove Telegrams, the developers themselves recommend using the desktop version of the browser rather than the mobile one, in order to avoid all kinds of technical issues. Therefore, when deleting a telegram account, it is advisable to use a device that supports the desktop version of the Internet browser. It can be a computer or laptop, for example.
After clicking on the link above, enter the phone number associated with your telegram account in the opened column “Your Phone Number”, and then click the “Next” button. A new window will appear, and you will be asked for a code to confirm the action.

You can confirm the action to delete a telegram account only directly through your Telegram, the way to get the code to your phone using SMS messages does not work here!
So, having received the code on your account, enter it into the confirmation window of the action previously opened in the browser, confirm the action, and then click on the “Delete account” option.

Here you can at the same time indicate the reason for deleting the telegram account by filling out a special column. If you have reason to be dissatisfied with the technical side of Telegram, it is better to fill out this column. Feedback will help developers improve their product.
Next, in the "Delete my account" section, select the "Finish" button. Then confirm the option “Yes, delete my account”.

Congratulations, you have just successfully deleted your telegram account manually!
How to Delete an Account Automatically?

Telegram's disk space is not unlimited, and the development company cannot store the data of all user accounts for an infinite amount of time.
Therefore, if you stop using your Telegram account and do not log into your account for a long time, then after some time your profile will inevitably be deleted automatically.
The time after which the Telegram account is automatically deleted is determined by the settings of your account and defaults to 6 months.
You can do this in the settings of your Telegram. Namely: being in your telegram account, click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner, then select the "Settings" item, and from there go to the "Privacy" section. In this section you need to find the column “Account auto deletion” and choose the time period that suits you.

Done! After inactivity within the time period indicated by you, your Telegram account will be automatically deleted. The convenience of auto-removal is that even a person who has lost access to his phone can get rid of his old Telegram account or, for example, forgot the password and did not set up the ways to recover it in time. It doesn’t matter, in this case you only have to wait a while, and Telegram will do everything for you.
Below you can see how to configure Telegram auto-deletion:
How to Remove the Telegram Application From Your Device

Well, let's say our Telegram account has been successfully deleted, but now we want to erase the program itself from our device. Well, let's say our Telegram account has been successfully deleted, but now we want to erase the program itself from our device.In different operating systems, there are very different ways to remove Telegram programs from a computer. Below we will tell you more about these methods.
How to Remove Telegram on Android
In order to remove the Telegram application from the device on which Android is installed, you need to click on the Settings icon, then select “Applications and notifications”, go to “Information about applications” and find Telegram in the list of applications.

Then you just have to click the “Delete” button and confirm your choice by answering “Yes”.

How to Delete Telegram on iOS

There are several ways to remove Telegram in the iOS operating system. The first of these is. Hold the Telegram icon on your screen with your finger. Then wait until the “3D Touch” menu appears and select “Reorder applications” from the pop-up menu. Click on the cross that appears in the upper left corner of the Telegram icon and this program will be deleted.
The second way is to modify the first. After the “3D Touch” context menu appears, simply continue to hold your finger on the Telegram icon for a couple of seconds. As a result, the Telegram icon itself will go into the “move and delete” mode and above it the familiar delete cross will appear, which you need to click on.
The third way to remove Telegram on iOS is to click on the Telegram icon with your finger and quickly (even before the context menu appears) drag Telegram across the screen somewhere to the side. When you release your finger, the program icon will return to its place, but will return to the “move and delete” mode, and the same cross appears again over it, which you need to click on to remove the Telegram program from your device.
There is another “capital” way to remove Telegram in iOS – through the settings. To do this, go to "Settings" and select "General", and then "iPhone Storage", where you can find Telegram and click on the "Delete" button.
How to Delete Telegram on Windows Phone
Uninstalling Telegram on Windows Phone is just as easy. To do this, click on the “Settings” screen, find the “System” section and then select “Storage”.
In the repository, click on "This device" and open the item "Applications and games." Find the Telegram in the list of applications and click “Delete”, then confirm your decision again.
Deleting Telegrams on Windows
In order to remove Telegram from the device on which Windows is installed, you need to follow the following way. First go to “Settings”, then click on “Parameters”, find the “Applications” section in the parameters, then find the Telegram in the list of applications and click on the “Delete” button. As you can see, the algorithm is quite simple, while everything else the Windows operating system will do.

Telegram Deleting on Mac OS
To remove Telegram from the Mac OS, first click on the “Finder” icon located in the “Dock”, then select “Programs” in the “Finder” side menu. Then drag the Telegram icon from the Programs folder to the trash (it’s located at the end of the Dock). And then empty the basket.
Done! In this case, until the basket is empty, you can restore the Telegram that you deleted in two clicks, namely: by selecting it in the basket and clicking "File" - "Restore".
Distributions Ubuntu / Debian
A little more complicated than the above examples of removing Telegrams from operating systems based on Linux distributions, for example Ubuntu / Debian.
If you previously installed the Telegram application using the snap package manager, you will need to open the terminal on the desktop and enter the following command “sudo snap remove telegram-desktop” and press “Enter”. To confirm the execution of the command, you will also have to enter the password, if you have one, and confirm it with another press on “Enter”. Further, you just have to wait for the execution of the command - Telegram will be deleted from your device.
Manjaro Linux
The method proposed above for Linux distributions Ubuntu is not suitable for uninstalling the Telegram program on Manjaro distributions. To remove Telegram in Manjaro Linux, use a different command.
To start the uninstall process, you must enter the following combination in the terminal: "sudo pacman - R telegram-desktop". Otherwise, the steps are similar to the Telegram removal process on Ubuntu / Debian distributions described above.
Another popular Linux distribution is Fedora. As you probably already guessed, to remove Telegrams from the Fedora distribution, we again need a terminal. You can enter it by selecting the "Applications" section in the main menu, and then, after going through the "Standard" item, click on "Terminal". In the terminal, enter the command: “su -c 'yum remove telegram-desktop'” – to execute it, you will again need to enter the password in the terminal and press the "Enter" button. In order to continue the deletion, enter “y” in the terminal and press “Enter” again. Now you just have to wait for the removal process to complete.
Removing Telegram Executables on Linux Distributions
When using Linux-based operating systems, you must be aware of the existence of executable files. In the case of Telegram, this is the version of the program that you downloaded directly from the manufacturer’s website, and did not install it on your device through the terminal and one of the package managers. In this case, your package management system will not be aware of the existence of such a file and therefore it will not work to delete Telegram through the terminal.
If you use such a version of the program, then each time you find the Telegram file you downloaded and give the task to “execute” it. Typically, users place these folders ~ / Downloads or ~ / opt. To remove this version of Telegram, you just need to find the directory in which you placed the root Telegram folder and delete this folder manually, by the usual click of the "Delete" button.
What Happens When I Delete my Telegram Account

When performing actions to delete a Telegram account, be sure to remember that a completed account deletion cannot be undone. Telegram removal is irreversible.
The messenger does not backup the account for those who decide to leave and then return. You should also understand that deleting an account at the same time erases all your information from the system:
- Your private messages;
- Contacts;
- Data about chats and channels to which you were subscribed.
Therefore, if somewhere in your correspondence important messages, music, documents or photographs are preserved, it’s better to take care of the matter in advance and save them elsewhere – otherwise, after deleting the Telegram account, you will lose all this irretrievably.
At the same time, the people with whom you spoke in Telegram will still have access to the old correspondence with your deleted account. So if you are interested in deleting your account, your old messages will also be deleted from those with whom you corresponded, then before you start deleting your account, you should either clear all your chats manually, or set up a self-destruct message timer in advance and wait until auto-deletion works.
What Will Happen to the Chats and Channels in Telegram

Also be aware that the multiplayer chats and channels in Telegram that you created in Telegram will continue to exist without its creator. Deleting an account in Telegram does not destroy chats and channels created from this account. It will still be possible to communicate in the chats you created, and to post information in the channels. Therefore, if you want to delete them too, then this must be done separately, before you deactivate your account in Telegram.
The channel and chat administrators you previously assigned will retain all of their rights. However, you can no longer appoint new administrators when you delete your account that has the rights of the founder of a Telegram channel.
Therefore, if you plan to delete your account, but do not want the channel you created earlier to be abandoned, then you should take care of appointing the channel administrator in advance, and it’s better to transfer the rights of the founder to someone else before removal.
Create a New Telegram Account

If after deleting your current telegram account you re-enter the telephone number to which it was once registered in Telegram, then appear as a completely new Telegram user and nothing will be saved from the history of the old account.
When you delete your account, a special inscription warns you that you can register an account with Telegram no earlier than in a few days. However, in practice, you will be able to register a new Telegram account almost immediately after deleting the old one.
Thus, the same number can be used to create Telegram accounts many times, of course, each time deleting the old account.
Of course, those people who have your phone number will be notified when you register a new telegram account. Any dialogs of your friends with your new account will be completely clean, started from scratch and will occupy a separate slot in the list of their conversations.
Conclusions and Afterword

So, in short, there are ways to delete the account in Telegram and the program itself from your devices.As you can see, the Telegram program is very flexible, easily adapts to the needs of its customers, and if you want to get rid of your Telegram account, the choice of options for how to proceed will be very wide. Sometimes you can just wait and Telegram itself will delete your account, especially if you pre-select the shortest period of time to auto-delete your Telegram account. I recall that it is one month.
On the other hand, there are few real reasons to delete an account in Telegram. This is a convenient and advanced messenger that, if desired, provides its users with the maximum possible anonymity for such messengers. Therefore, do not delete the Telegram account on emotions, succumbing to a momentary mood. Perhaps then you will remember that before deleting you forgot to copy an important file from Telegram, download your favorite music, or lost a cool photo.
If, all of a sudden, you’re tired of messengers and social networks, maybe you just need to take a break, set the deadline for deleting the Telegram account for the longest possible period, and just do not go into this messenger for a while. Sooner or later, you will want to return, but there will be no reason to regret about hasty decisions or lost data.
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