At first glance, the topic of the article is clear and obvious. But in our beloved Telegram with the search for channels is not so simple. There are a lot of channels in Telegram, but there is no single place where you can search for channels, so you need to use third-party resources.
Further we will tell you how to find channels in Telegram, and as a bonus we will share some tricks and life hacks related to channel search.
How to Search Channels in Telegram
To find a channel in Telegram you need:
- Decide whether you are looking for something specific or if you need a channel catalog.
- Choose the appropriate search method.
- Find an interesting and desired channel.
Next, we will talk in more detail about ways to search for channels in Telegram. Each of you using instant messengers knows that there is no search for channels in Telegram as such. For example, you decide to find a good channel with music, and a global search shows only three possible options.
Search in this form works according to the following principle: the first two results are the channels with the largest number of subscribers and the word in the channel name. Search in this form works according to the following principle: the first two results are the channels with the largest number of subscribers and the word in the channel name.
User Verification
If you are looking to know which channel in Telegram you need, then you can use the search by username. Carefully check the username of the community you want to subscribe to. This is especially true for cryptocurrency topics. The difference may be in one letter. If you do not know the name, you can enter approximate words. In this case, the probability of finding the desired channel is reduced.
How accurate this search is still unknown, but many users really want the Telegram developers to improve it. We really hope that sooner or later the search for channels in Telegram will be comparable with Google or Yandex, but for now you have to use the services of ordinary search engines.
These methods are only suitable if you know the name of the channel or its username.
If you are looking for “something interesting,” you definitely need a channel catalogue, we will talk about this below.
Search for Channels in Telegram Via Google
In fact, everything is simple. We drive into Google “Telegram Channel Directory” and get sites with directories. That's all. Choose what you want ... But not everything is so simple.
Most of these sites are often not relevant and full of advertising. That is, Telegram channels pay them money in order to be higher in the ratings.
Therefore, carefully look at what such sites recommend to you and whether this is an advertisement.
For example, on the site, directly on top of it, an advertisement for some Telegram channel is placed first, and then the so-called “TOP” is already on. It is compiled based on the number of subscribers. From larger to smaller, which in principle is logical.
Telemetr Directory
To search for channels in Telegram, I suggest using the website. It is a project with open channel statistics, brand ratings, and more. It also has a couple of exciting features we’re gotta talk about.
For example, you can find channels in various languages.
The website also has a search by category, number of subscribers, advertising price, and so on. More importantly, the list is sorted by the number of subscribers, and there you can see the channel's growth, the number of views of all publications, how it changes, etc.
By clicking on the channel, you immediately get the statistics and recent publications. You can easily evaluate the quality of posts to understand whether you want to start a certain channel.
So, it's evident that this resource should be taken into account, and you should use it for search channel Telegram .
And other websites could play a dirty trick up on you. They often offer to sign in Telegram through some kind of web client. It might look like an official client from Telegram (and be even identical). But as soon as you sign in through it, it immediately begins to subscribe to some unknown channels, which is not very nice. Therefore, be careful when using these clients.
Telegram Channels Directory
There is another way that can help you find the channels of interest in Telegram. These are channels with catalogues of the same channels, sorry for the tautology.
As you may have guessed, these are special communities inside the messenger where you can find channels in special posts, collections.
Channels with catalogs are not the most convenient to use. You can find something useful by hashtags or keywords, but we strongly advise you not to use it, because it is extremely long and ineffective. You can find something useful by hashtags or keywords, but we highly advise against using it. Which way to choose is extremely long and inefficient.
Which Way To Choose
As you should have noticed, at first glance it seems that finding a channel in Telegram is simple. But the allotment turns out that the developers, without introducing an advanced feature for this, doomed users to eternal torment.
We recommend using the channel catalogue on the website. This is the most convenient and fastest way.
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