We are all people and we all want to make money in one way or another, and the Telegram messenger is no exception. For many, Telegram has become not just a place for communication and even something more than just a hobby. Many very successfully make money on Telegram.
In addition to the fact that Telegram is full of interesting and exclusive functionality, which we constantly write about on our t9gram website, in addition, Telegram will allow you to earn money without even leaving your home.
Today we will tell you about all the ways to make money in Telegram in 2020, and also describe in detail some of them.
- How to Make Money in Telegram
- Earnings on Telegram Channels
- Earnings in Telegram on Bots
- Earnings on Geo-Chats
- Telegram Community
- Earnings in Telegram in 2020
How to Make Money in Telegram

- Choose the direction you want to pursue.
- Explore niche and competition.
- Understand what you have unique to offer.
- Invest money / time in promotion.
- Start making money in Telegram.
And now we will go through all the points in more detail, since it is easy to say, but usually more difficult to do.
First of all, it is worth noting that many of those who created the channel in Telegram are inclined to believe that now you can earn much more in the messenger than on other social platforms. It is not known to what extent this is substantiated information, but you have some ground for thought.
Earnings on Telegram Channels

The first, and one of the main options for making money in Telegram is creating a channel, developing it, and then successfully selling advertising in it. Let's divide the channels into two types:
- Informational;
- Copyright.
The information channel will be filled, based on the name, with information. He will be able to bring you earnings in Telegram thanks to advertising and other partnerships.

Of course, you need to work hard for this. First of all, you need to create a channel that will be loved, to which they will subscribe and read. Due to the fact that your Telegram channel will be of interest to the user, it will also be of interest to the advertiser. You will receive requests for advertising and make money on Telegram.
This way it's simple — you get paid, you publish ads.
By the way, there is another way to make money in Telegram in this way. After agreeing with the advertiser, you create your unique link. The more people follow the referral link and do some action on the site that makes a profit for the advertiser, the more you get a percentage and your share of earnings in Telegram
Many channel owners try to create as many different and useful channels as possible. They are always looking for something new, trying to experiment, and in the end they get great benefits from this kind of "empire".
Another kind of channel that you can create is the author channel. The place where you will advertise your services.

Do you know how to draw beautifully? Or maybe you are a cool manicurist? Promote yourself. Create your channel, post your work there and make money on Telegram.
Indicate the price list, post your contacts and it is possible that even on such a channel, you will have requests to place regular advertising.
Category Selection
Let's start with the fact that all Telegram channels are divided into two categories:
- Clickbait channels.
- Open channels that are advertised with direct, regular posting.
Clickbait channels are channels that first require the user to subscribe to some kind of shock post or riddle, and only then the user will be able to view the channel itself.
In turn, advertising posts of clickbait channels are divided into 3 types.
The first kind, advertising posts are riddles:

Typically, these ad posts use cognitive channels like incredible facts and the like.
There are some nuances here. A user who subscribes to a channel comes not interested in the content and the channel itself, and as a result, he rarely looks there, so views and earnings on advertising fall.
From the channel that attracted people with such a post, they do not come to ordinary channels, but they move well to other riddles and any trash. At the same time, such riddles quickly fade, and in order for a subscriber to come, you need to invent or find new ones every time.
The second type - "Continue Reading :"

The situation is the same as with the previous one. Such a channel in Telegram will attract an inactive, useless audience, which will not often go to the channel itself.
The last, third type of advertising is trash posts.

So we got to the point that all adequate people hate. Usually, such posts advertise news channels, and any other trash channels. Such channels have a very poor coverage, and the audience, unfortunately, is not active.
Clickbait projects are not designed for a long term, the main goal is to make money in Telegram here and now, while you have good coverage, to advertise bookmakers, volcanoes and other advertising scams.
Advertising on such channels can be sold at least 3 posts per day, other trash channels can buy it. Serious, normal and adequate administrators do not buy ads in clickbait channels, because from them the user comes well only to another clickbait, and to open ones it is terrible.
Channel Launch Tips

We do not recommend making clickbait posts and channels. Firstly, it is simply unpleasant to create and invent content and advertising posts with deceit, trash and nonsense. Accordingly, most likely, from such earnings in Telegram, you will not feel the feeling that you are doing something useful for people.
Secondly, when this channel is blown away, it will be very difficult to sell it even for a penny. Plus, recently Telegram has begun to struggle with this kind of content, and if you publish something about pedophilism, the channel can be blocked.

Thus, the market for Telegram channels is divided into two camps: clickbait and open channels. Open channels buy ads only from regular adequate channels, and clickbait only from other clickbait channels.
Therefore, before making money on Telegram channels, you must decide on which side — dark or white.
Why Is It Worth Making Money in Telegram On Channels

Now the messenger is working with renewed vigor, so the sooner you come here, the more you will earn in Telegram. That is why it is profitable to start doing something in Telegram right now.
Telegram is increasingly popularized in various countries, and mainly in actively developing ones. The Telegram audience is now huge as never before, but there really isn't enough good and high-quality channels! There are a lot of dead, old Telegram channels in the messenger, which have many subscribers and very few views. Either they are screwed up, or the audience of the channel is scorched by advertising, and few people subscribe to it.
Now it is much easier to create and earn on a large Telegram channel than before!
Let's figure out what steps you need to take in order to successfully make money in Telegram on your channel.
Choosing a Channel Theme For Making Money

It is important here to be extremely careful and clearly define the topic of the channel on which you will earn in Telegram. You may like to write, for example, about cars or yachts, but not the fact that these topics will be relevant and will become popular with a wide audience.
It is important to create a resource that will be liked by readers, it will be interesting and relevant. For example, just a few months ago, channels and bots on the topic of coronavirus, medicine and health gained great popularity.

Also, in the spring of this year, a new wave of educational channels began, for example, on photoshop, and many similar things, because due to quarantine measures, people spent more time on the Internet and wanted to gain new knowledge.
In fact, it is very difficult to clearly define what topic in the future may be popular and in demand for making money on Telegram. If you are planning to create a channel in Telegram, follow the news, follow the trends on the Internet and just get on this wave on time.
Right now, you can see how the channel rises with news that quickly respond to events.
It is possible, and even necessary, to grab onto a hype topic, but you must understand that for the rapid development of a channel, you need to invest a certain amount of money in its advertising, and then the result will be on your face.

Start by exploring the channels already available in the telemetr.io directory. The topic should not be too narrow, it is important that you analyze the potential buyers of your ad right away. For example, you can see that culinary channels practically do not develop, which means that they will not buy advertising from you and there is no need to create a channel with such a topic, it will make money small or rather complicated.
If you create a news item, you will be an expensive subscriber, or you will have to advertise with posts about pedophilism, which is not cool.
We also do not recommend business topics for making money. The subscriber will be very expensive, as the most expensive advertising in the business topic. At the same time, you will not sell ads themselves often, since readers of business channels do not like a large number of ads.
You won't earn much, but spend enough money. It makes sense to create a business topic only if you know an external way to monetize and earn money, that is, not through advertising in Telegram. This can be the sale of courses, some kind of meetings, business ideas and the like.
It is generally difficult for a newcomer to pull politics — we do not recommend it.
An entertainment channel with GIF animations is also not the best idea for making money on Telegram. We would recommend to draw your attention to educational, popular science topics, author blogs on any topic. Anything that brings at least some benefit to people and helps you make money on Telegram. The theme should be recognizable and understandable.
The next step is the title and avatar. You shouldn't bother too much about it, it's not the most important thing. Call it whatever you like, it has little effect.
The best thing to do is create a channel about something that you are really good at, if you write about it from the first person, it is even better. Through Telegram, sales of absolutely everything are excellent. If you can sell any service, then rather create a channel on this topic.
Therefore, be sure to consider what other monetization options you can use. The audience in the messenger is very loyal to the author of the channel they are reading.
There is still a free market in Telegram and many free niches. Just don't create the same as everyone else. Historical pictures, interesting facts, plums, remoteness, discounts - this is what is already taken and it is definitely not worth creating, you will not make money on it, unless, of course, you have a very large advertising budget and long-term plans for this particular project.
When choosing a topic, make sure that after a few months you will not run out of content, so do not tackle too complex topics if you are not sure that you can create content for a long period of time. You can hire copywriters to write for you. But again, if the topic is narrow and the content is complex, then what will he write about?

At the beginning, you need to learn how to do it yourself, there are no tips here, the main thing is that you like it yourself and that you are interested in it. Imagine that you yourself would read such a channel.
There is practically no copyright in Telegram, so content can be taken or borrowed absolutely from anywhere and no one will be punished or banned, the main thing is that it is of high quality. Finding quality content isn't easy either, and that's the real job of an editor.
There is an option to make a channel with someone. Find a person who can write very cool or who can create something interesting, and you, for example, will be engaged in promotion and earnings on the channel.
Sponsored Post

After you have created a channel, chosen a topic, learned how to make content, you have to do the most important thing, namely, create an advertising post.
It is worth devoting the most time, attention and creativity to this. The better the advertising post, the cheaper the subscriber will be, the faster you will recoup your investment and start making money on Telegram.
The main characteristic of an advertising post is that after reading it, a person wanted to subscribe to the channel. Make such a post that you yourself would like to subscribe to your own channel! Advertising posts are completely different, you can use pictures, gifs or just text.
Then the ad post needs to be tested, that is, to understand how effective it is. To do this, you need to buy some inexpensive ads in small channels. If it came no more than $ 0.15-0.20 cents, it means the post was a success and you can buy advertising.
Ideally, a subscriber should come no more than $ 0.15-0.20, in which case you will pay off 100% and earn in Telegram.
That is, by buying an ad for $ 20, you will get 130 subscribers. There are different prices for different topics, but the gold standard is just $ 0.15-0.20 per subscriber.
Where and How to Buy Ads
You need to understand where your audience is sitting and buy ads in similar channels, then a good advertising post will go almost everywhere.
The price of cognitive advertising is about $ 10-30 per 1000 views. Try to avoid channels that have attracted your audience through clickbait posts.
Be sure to analyze Telegram channels through the Telemetr.io website. From there, you can get information about the change in the number of subscribers, activity and reach.

In general, the correct choice of Telegram channels for purchasing advertising comes with experience. There are many projects with fanned subscribers, but they are usually visible immediately.
In Telegram, 100% prepayment, first you pay, and then advertising comes out. Many newbies have a question, will they deceive me? No, no one will do this, but you need to be careful.
If the administrator is listed in the channel description, then there is nothing to worry about. That is, if you buy advertising from the contact who indicated in the channel description.
Tips For Making Money From Advertising

The last is selling and making money on advertising. Here we are already making money. Sell your ads immediately, the earlier you start doing it, the sooner you get your investments back, the more money you will have for the next ad.
Usually people turn to buy ads when the channel has at least 10 thousand subscribers. But in any case, do not expect your clients to write to you, offer ads to administrators yourself! Write, chat, make friends and sell ads.
But never sell directly "head-on", they may be banned. Look for workarounds, because even the administrators of the largest channels offer ads themselves.
As you can see, creating a channel in Telegram and making money on it is primarily interesting. How difficult it all depends on your strengths. Here are some tips we can give:
- Use the same telemetr.io for channel analysis.
- If you have problems with an idea or content, then you should find a friend or someone with the same enthusiasm who will do it well, and you will be engaged in promotion and advertising.
- If the channel does not become successful — redo it, change the theme. Nobody will block for changing the subject.
- If you are writing about advertising, be sure to keep this contact. If suddenly there is free space for advertising, it is to such contacts that you can urgently sell it.
- If you haven't bought an advertisement, and there is free space, invite someone to do a mutual PR, or a mutual PR with a surcharge
How Much Can You Earn in Telegram On The Channel

Finally, a few words about how much you can earn in the Telegram on the channels, after you definitely try and complete all the above steps.
The factors on which earnings in Telegram depend are: the topic of the channel, the number of subscribers and how skillfully you can sell.
The number of subscribers will depend on how much money you can invest to promote your channel. It is also worth noting that this is a lengthy process. Not everything will happen at once.
Much depends on your product, how many content employees you have. It is important to understand that you can invest in advertising, but if the topic is not interesting, poorly written and material is created, no advertising will save you.

A channel with 10 thousand subscribers can generate income of $ 100-400 per month, and even higher. It all depends on the above factors.
Now there are channels in Telegram that earn enough per month. Yes it is possible. They have successfully developed, and most importantly, they continue to do this and earn in Telegram. It is a full-fledged business, which means investment, advertising and hard work.
Earnings in Telegram on Bots
The second way to make money in Telegram is bots. Telegram has a large number of different bots that can help you earn money.
First of all, it should be noted that not all bots for making money are honest. According to our information, some of them simply take advantage of your strength and time and then do not pay back what you have earned. Therefore, carefully read reviews and recommendations on the Internet.
The essence of almost every Telegram bot for making money is that you perform certain tasks. For example, there are bots that give assignments to comment on photos on Instagram. For each comment you get a certain amount of money.
Other bots offer to make money in Telegram on subscriptions and views. Basically, you watch some kind of advertisement and you get rewards. You subscribed to a channel, the reward came again. In general, the essence is the same — subscribe to sites on social networks, view certain web pages, and so on.
There is one more type of making money on bots. This is when tasks are completed, while they are not paid, but you are saved to the database of those who completed them, and then money is raffled off.
The prize fund may be $ 50-150, it will be divided into those who have fulfilled all the conditions. Here the emphasis is on mindfulness. It is important to take every step right.
We remind you, dear readers, that, as always, there are quite a lot of scammers on the network, and we advise you to check one or another Telegram bot for real payments.
Do not forget to check what is the minimum amount you will be given to take out and earn in Telegram. After all, this is another cunning trick. You can win / earn several tens of dollars, but the minimum withdrawal amount can be $ 150-200. Be carefull!
Earnings on Geo-Chats
The third type of earnings in Telegram, and to some extent complements our first item - earnings on geo-chats. A new feature in Telegram allows a user who wants to earn money to be closer to their consumer.

You create a geo-chat that you are a cool hairdresser and cut your hair at home or in the salon. The radius of such a chat will be from 100 meters to 12 kilometers. The client will be able to find a hairdresser where it is convenient for him geographically, as well as immediately learn about all the services and ask for information of interest right in the chat.
Telegram Community

Telegram community
The fourth way to make money in Telegram is the community. You can become a content manager who will work for different channels, creating content for them:
- Article;
- News;
- Reviews;
- Notes;
- Another type of content.
Channels and creators love good content and are willing to pay for it. After all, creators usually do not have time to write all the content personally, large administrators have several of their projects and they simply do not have time for this.
Therefore, if you have talents for this, you should try. For example, you can write an article about a music topic, which you then sell to some channel at a good price.
You can also be an advertising manager on a channel. Sell advertising on the channel, or engage in its purchase and various agreements between advertisers in Telegram.
But here you need to have communication and communication skills, be able to solve problems in the mode of correspondence and generally be a salesman at heart.

With administrators, you will be able to agree on two efforts: be a salesperson for them in the state, that is, actually communicate with a client, create advertising posts and much more. That is, he is a full-fledged team member who closes the advertisement of the project. Or work as a freelancer for a percentage of the referred client. You agree with the channel administrator that you will bring clients to it and receive 5-10% of the cost of an advertising publication for this.
This type of earnings in Telegram requires many skills, luck and understanding of the Telegram community.
Today, Telegram has formed its own community, which generally knows each other. Therefore, it is difficult to "come" here from the street and become advertising managers at once.
In addition, there are now a lot of advertising managers who throw advertisers and their employers. Therefore, the trust in newcomers who sell something and want to represent the interests of the channel owner has now dropped.
But you can try to start small, and it is quite possible that you will be able to make money in Telegram in this way.
Earnings in Telegram in 2020

Now a little prediction. Obviously, a topic that will remain as popular as in 2017-2019, and which will smoothly move into 2020, is the topic of personal blogs and Telegram channels.
It is the channels that are the most monetized niche today, it is here that you can make good money in Telegram. If you have something to write about, serve it tasty and interesting. Start doing this right now.
Firstly, it can be a great hobby if you have something to tell people, and secondly, the Telegram channel can be promoted. You will start selling advertising and your hobby will also bring income.
Of course, the topics with various kinds of news are not going anywhere. The main thing here is to find your niche and exclusivity. If it works out, you will be in the tops and also receive a normal income in Telegram.
Generally speaking, any topic can be interesting if you find an exclusive approach to it.
Think about what you like about this or that channel / chat / project? Don't copy it, just try to make something of your own that can show great results!
Recommended video on the most profitable topics of 2020, you may be able to spot a trend and launch a new niche this year:
As you can see, Telegram has enough opportunities to make money. Some methods are easier, and some are more difficult and require special skills and strong desire. But there is always plenty to choose from.
We wish you successful earnings in Telegram, t9gram project, everything about Telegram.
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